Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Residential Window Cleaning Services

Not all of us are fortunate to be able to live a comfortable existence on a single salary. Husband and wife, both need to work to make ends meet. Come the weekend and instead of relaxing, they end up attending to household chores including cleaning of windows which, unless one has the right equipment, can be quite tricky. Enter, the residential Window Cleaning Services.

Need for residential window cleaning services

Windows at ground level are perhaps the easiest to clean but what about window cleaning on the first and second floor? Not only these need tall ladders, they are often not easily accessible even by tall ladders. If a ladder can be propped up then holding on to a ladder with one hand while attempting a window cleaning operation with another requires acrobatic skills. Often husbands drop the entire bucket of water and sometimes themselves with it. More folks have landed in hospitals while cleaning windows than in other domestic incidents. Little wonder then that people opt for Residential Window Cleaning.

Residential window cleaning services

Windows need to be cleaned at least once every week. A closed window accumulates dust and when opened, the micro wind eddy that is created, carries the accumulated dust right into your home. Accumulated dust includes pollen and unburnt hydrocarbons – the number one trigger for allergies and diseases such as asthma.

Another reason Residential Window Cleaning Kyle of Lochalsh needs to be undertaken regularly is because visitors or even passersby notice a dirty window. From within your home you might not notice the dirt and dust accumulated on the outside of the window but folks passing by your home do.
Lack of time and dangers associated with cleaning windows especially those on the first and second floors, is the primary reason people opt for residential window cleaning services.

Professional Residential Window Cleaning Services

A professional team of Residential Window Cleaning Inverness service providers not only have the right equipment for the job, their years of experience enable them to do a better and faster job than you ever could.

They have a fully equipped truck, use filtered water, have long hose pipes connected to special nozzles and cleaning squeegees. Windows cleaned by such professional residential window cleaning services are always sparkling clean. No trace of any streaking, much less dust. Additionally, these professional Residential Window Cleaning Isle Of Skye services carry out a window cleaning operation in a systematic fashion. These include scrubbing, scratch inspection, paint, stucco inspection, inspection for cracks, chips, hardened cement spots, etc.

Large especially designed silicon or rubber based scrapers are utilized by the professional residential window cleaning service provides to get rid of tough particles from your windows. This is a delicate operation and needs to be done carefully least it results in scratches. It therefore makes perfect sense to hire residential window cleaning services.

Check out also for Window Cleaning Ross Shire and Window Cleaning Portree

Monday, 2 September 2013

Professional Window Cleaning Services

Compartmentalizing work and outsourcing services brings about increased efficiency and economy. Window cleaning is extremely tedious work. It requires special equipment and tools and also personnel who are not scared of heights and have special skills. It therefore makes perfect sense to hire professional window cleaning services.

Traditional window cleaning services are hired not only by commercial establishments; they are also hired by estate managers looking after high-rise residential blocks. No matter how tall a building, you will rarely come across one with dirty glass facade or windows. Obviously, the owners of high rise commercial blocks as also residents in high rise buildings don’t do their own cleaning – it would be virtually impossible for them to do so.

In fact, it is the prevalence of professional window cleaning services that encourage architects and civil engineers to think in terms of glass covered high rise construction. Without the professional window cleaning services, almost all the glass covered high rise constructions would remain dirty and dust covered presenting a very bleak view of the city.

One might be forgiven for wondering why Commercial Window Cleaning services is such a big deal. Ever tried to clean a window that is not at ground level? Even cleaning a window located on the first floor would be a challenge. Holding on to a ladder that might topple at any moment, balancing a small bucket of water between your feet or on some small ledge nearby and with the other hand trying to clean a window is definitely not everyone’s idea of spending a relaxed weekend – there’s every risk of landing up in a hospital that way.

Professional window cleaning service providers have specialized equipment such as sturdy extra tall custom built ladders with work platforms attached, they have special outfitted trucks carrying filtered water and high pressure pumps and hose pipes with special nozzles, they have custom made squeegees and brushes meant to clean and shine even the dirtiest windows, they have an onsite supervisor who inspects windows and makes sure they are free from scratches, streaks, hardened cement, dried paint and other blemishes. They have long ropes to lower staff and equipment. They have motorized work platforms that can be attached to roofs and lowered all the way to the ground floor. Finally, they have trained personnel who aren’t scared of heights. It’s a tough combination to beat.

Of late Commercial window cleaning services providers have also added a new tool to their already impressive collection – the robotic window cleaner. These are wired/remote controlled vacuum cleaner like devices that can crawl up and down on a continuous window facade. They use suction properties of specialized wheels or belts to stick to and move up or down on vertical glass. A long hose pipe carrying filtered water is attached to the robot and it has built in tanks for cleaning fluid and also carries attachments such as scrubbers or squeegees. Equipped with these arsenals of tools, professional window cleaning services have come a long way since the mid-sixties and seventies when cleaning crews had to be lowered from rooftops via ropes.